Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Acting Like An Animal: Coyote Behavior

       Humans sometimes like to label us as resident, transient or nuisance based on our behavior (as done by Stan (Ghert et al., 2009) which I couldn’t wait to get my paws on). Resident coyotes make one area home. Their home range may depend on the availability of resources and land use (roads, parks, golf courses, building etc.) in that area. Resident coyotes have defined boundaries and keep to them. They stay for long periods of time. I’m a resident coyote and I have been living in the same home range for over five years. I might even be your neighbor! Don’t worry, I am very shy and come out mainly at night to avoid you. Coyotes are not traditionally nocturnal, but we want to avoid people so much we have altered our ‘work schedule’ to avoid conflict. I have family that lives out in the rural area and although they can still come out during they day, they have a higher death rate than us city dwellers. Transient coyotes are those that just keep moving through the area. They might be looking for a mate or to challenge an alpha male for his territory. Life isn’t quite as easy for them, they have to keep moving and or establish a home range. Finally, nuisance coyotes are labeled as such since humans have called and complained to officials about us more than once. In a study conducted in Cook County only 4% of the coyotes collared were considered nuisance (Gerht et al., 2009). Three of these four coyotes had mange, a parasitic skin disease, which causes an awful debilitating itch and severe hair loss. One of my home range neighbors lived for years without a complaint. Then she contracted mange and started coming out and when captured was in such poor condition she had to be euthanized. Two of the seven were also killed by cars. It is a hard life when you can’t find a vet to help you.
Radio Collared Coyote

Coyote with mange

1 comment:

  1. A work associate didn't have his glasses on when he was taking his dog out for the night. Inibriation may have played an issue eyesight, but a coyote actually walked up to him and he petted it on the the head! He realized it when his own dog responded to his name being called to go instead! Needless to say he high-tailed into the house without further adu.
