Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What's New: Current Coyote News

Here are links to current news articles. Enjoy! I will also add more by either editing this post or creating a new section.

This coyote made a lot of news for running into a convenience store on a very hot day in downtown Chicago.

This entertains other possibilities although I am not keen to be sharing my neighborhood with any other larger predators.
The Atlantic, “You’ve Heard of Urban Coyotes. Urban Bears Could Be Next” By Emily Badger Oct. 12, 2012

Science Daily  “Urban Coyotes Could Be Setting the Stage for Larger Carnivores Wolves, Bears and Mountain Lions To Move Into Cities” Oct. 5, 2012 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/10/121005100909.htm

Chicago Tribune “Coyotes joining urban worries: How to cope with critters becoming a topic of concern” By Joan Cary January 09, 2013 http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-01-09/news/ct-met-coyote-seminar-0110-20130110_1_coyote-issue-three-coyotes-chris-anchor

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